Xian Tiangong Electric Co., Ltd.
Arrester Epoxy Glass Wound Core

Arrester Epoxy Glass Wound Core

An arrester epoxy glass wound core is a type of electrical component used to protect other electrical and electronic components from voltage spikes. It's made up of a cylindrical core wound with multiple layers of epoxy glass insulation and two or more arrester rods. The core is connected to the ground and the arrester rods connect to the voltage source. When a voltage spike occurs, the arrester rods absorb the energy, protecting the electrical and electronic components from damage. This type of core is used in a variety of applications, including surge protectors, lightning arresters, and power supplies.

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Types of Arrester Epoxy Glass Wound Core

The Benefits of Using Arrester Epoxy Glass Wound Cores


Arrester epoxy glass wound cores have excellent electrical properties, which makes them ideal for use in high-voltage applications.


They are lightweight and have a low profile design, which makes them easier to install and maintain.


The epoxy resin provides superior insulation and protection against electrical breakdowns and surges.


The glass fiber provides superior heat dissipation, which helps reduce the risk of arcing or fire.


They are easy to install and require minimal maintenance.


They are relatively low-cost and can provide longer service life than other types of arresters.

The Safety and Efficiency of Arrester Epoxy Glass Wound Cores

The Safety and Efficiency of Arrester Epoxy Glass Wound Cores

Arrester epoxy glass wound cores are designed to provide superior protection against electrical hazards and to improve the efficiency of electrical networks. These cores are made from a combination of epoxy and glass, which creates a strong and reliable material that is resistant to wear and tear. With the use of these cores, it is possible to reduce the risk of electrical shock and to improve the efficiency of electrical networks. The cores are also designed to reduce the risk of electrical fires and power surges. In addition, these metal oxide varistor is used for protecting against the effects of lightning strikes. Due to their ability to reduce the risk of electrical hazards, arrester epoxy glass wound cores are an ideal choice for many electrical networks. At TGE, our mov arrester epoxy glass wound cores are meticulously designed to ensure optimal performance and safety. Explore our range of mov arrester products to enhance the safety and efficiency of your electrical networks.

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